Styling Headings For CSS Stylesheets
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You can style your heading in the content editor using the Format drop down box. The standard format has a default appearance and font sizeas shown in the left image. However by adding the correct tags and corrisponding properties to the styles sheet you can change the default options for your headings Style Sheet Heading Tags h1{} = Heading 1 The style properties that we add to these will be between the {}. Basic Heading Properties
Examples and CodesHere is a small collection of examples to illustrate howe the h1 tag can create differrant varaiations of your Page headings, simply by using the properties from abouve. Please feel free to copy the code and adjust to your liking past it into your style sheet. Please not that once you have created a h1 tag in your styleshet it wil over ride all heading settings for the entire web site |